Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

 Construction PCI

Having safe, well-maintained roads is a top priority for the City of Santa Maria as we know how important it is to our residents and infrastructure. Our Department of Public Works diligently tracks the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to assess the condition of our streets. Based on available funds, including tax revenue from gas purchases, we conduct annual assessments and develop road projects.

Our engineers use the PCI to determine the best road treatments, such as chip seal, fog seal, or repaving. We invest millions of dollars annually into our roads with funding sources like Measure A, Gas Tax, and SB-1 Gas Tax dollars. These investments are funneled right back to residents by enabling the city to install new streetlight conduit, perform asphalt paving work, and fix our roads. We align our operations with the City Pavement Management System to schedule treatments that make our community more walkable and accessible.